

We should be interested, as a modern society of law, in thinking about access to justice in its broader concept, which includes access to the justice system ."

The e President of the Legal Services Board (LSB), M e  Denis Roy , intends to place his five-year term under the sign of a concept of access to justice that goes beyond the strict framework of system access judicial. In an interview with Journal du Barreau, M e  Roy said his views on the subject.

Knowledge as a quasi-panacea

Just as relevant information to promote healthy eating and lifestyle can reduce the number of hospital visits, it is believed, he argues, that better knowledge of laws, rights and responsibilities would make people less likely to access the justice system.

 M <sup> e </ sup> Denis Roy, Chair of the Commission des services juridiques
e  Denis Roy, President of the Legal Services Commission

For this purpose, the president wishes to put the expertise of the legal aid network at the service of this problem. The implementation of such a conception, based on information and education work, would probably have consequences, he foresees, a reduction of the pressure on the judicial system, in addition to generating savings in terms of costs.

Motus on the eligibility thresholds

The Commission des services juridiques did not submit a brief to the working group to study the operation of the legal aid system. However, to feed into the work of this committee, chaired by the Member for Marguerite D'Youville, M e  Pierre Moreau , the Justice Department has regularly appealed to the agency for information and statistics, among other resources .

Called in interviews to clarify its views on the debate concerning the eligibility thresholds for legal aid, M e  Roy agreed that it should review these rising. In the legal community, he pointed out, the consensus is clear on this point.

But Denis Roy did not want to comment on the details, for example, whether the increase in the thresholds should be uniform, or targeted for certain groups in particular.

Once the report made public by the Minister of Justice, M e  Roy will make public his comments if seeking it, he said.

Become known

In addition to the vision of access to justice that he wishes to put forward, the President's other priorities are to maintain and increase the quality of services offered to clients and partners in private practice. improve the public's knowledge of the network and the legal aid system. In addition, he indicated that he favored the creation of alliances, particularly with the Barreau du Québec, with which, he observes, the Commission shares many objectives.

Special projects

Parallel to pursuing these goals, the organization M e  Roy will continue over the next few years to invest in the realization of a number of special projects involving young offenders, indigenous and people experiencing mental health problems.

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